ID |
The US tax compilation identifier automatically created and modified by My MATRIXX. |
Name |
Descriptive name for the US taxes. |
Description |
Tax compilation description. |
Imported by username |
Displays the name of the user who imported the US tax data. |
Locked |
Displays the Locked status: |
System Schema Version |
The MATRIXX software version that is installed on this engine (for
example, 5240). |
Provider Schema Version |
The customer-provided schema version on the engine (for example,
3). |
Submit Time |
Import start date and time. |
Complete Time |
Import completion date and time. |
Compilation Status |
Displays the US tax status: |
Deploy Status |
Displays the US tax deployment status: |
Deployed Locations |
If the compilation has been deployed, displays the following
- Deployed ID
- Engine ID
- Engine Name
- Deploy Time
- Deploy By User
- Status
- In Use
- Actions
Compilation Errors |
Lists any compilation errors including the type and a description of
the error. |
Verify Tax Compilation |
Verify the US tax compilation. |
Delete this Compilation |
Delete the compiled US tax file. |