Compiling Pricing Plans
When you compile a pricing plan, a pricing XML configuration file is generated from all pricing items and policy items in the pricing domain. The pricing XML configuration file can be generated as a standalone file during pricing validation or as part of a ZIP archive that contains the following additional files:
- errors.txt — Error messages generated during the compilation.
- data folder — The individual pricing/policy items used to compile the pricing configuration file.
The standalone pricing XML configuration file is considered a development version. It is based off of all files in the workspace of the user validating the pricing, and includes any files that have not been committed to SVN (local modifications known only to this workspace). These files might be in a transitional state and therefore not ready for publishing. In addition, unless the person compiling the pricing has performed an SVN update, the development version might not contain the latest updates from other users' workspaces. For example, if User A deletes a product offer and commits the change to the pricing repository and User B runs without first updating his or her workspace, the file deleted by User A is still included in the configuration file and not removed from the pricing database when the configuration file is loaded.
The ZIP archive can also be compiled as a development version or a production version. The development version is based off of the files in the user's local workspace and can contain changes that have not been checked in to the pricing repository. The production version is based off of the latest revisions of the pricing files checked in to the pricing repository.
Before compiling a pricing plan, the person compiling the pricing plan should make certain all users have checked in their changes to SVN if the changes should be included in the compilation.