Route Cache Miss Handling

When a request to look up information in the Route Cache yields a not found error (a cache miss), the requesting application (such as the Traffic Routing Agent, TRA-RT-(SI/DR), or the Network Enabler) issues a resolution request on its local Route Cache domain resolver.

The Route Cache Controller sends a Route Cache resolution request to query the MATRIXX in-memory database on the processing servers for the information. The Route Cache resolution request is sent to each customer sub-domain in the MATRIXX environment and the requesting application is notified of the result.

If the requested information is found, the Route Cache is updated. Any not found errors can be directed to a specific TRA-RT pool node by using the default TRA pool parameter. Otherwise, route cache misses are handled by the requesting application. For example, the TRA distributes any not found requests between sub-domains normally unless a default node is specified for not found requests.

For details about the default pool parameter, see the discussion about TRA pool nodes in MATRIXX Configuration.