Display All Server Statistics
You can view runtime statistics for a server, including database statistics, Diameter statistics, MATRIXX service statistics, queue statistics, transaction replay statistics, and memory statistics.
In a terminal, enter the following command to print all statistics for a server.
You can limit the statistics to a subset of components by specifying one or more of the following options:
Command Line Option | Description |
-A | Mobile Application Part (MAP) protocol statistics for MAP-ATI (any time interrogation) and MAP-SRI (send routing information) requests and responses. |
-B | Database segment, memory, object, and index statistics. |
-C | Cluster-level information including server role, cluster status, and cluster HA state. This command prints the HA state of the local cluster and any peer clusters in an installation. |
-D | Diameter SNMP PDU table statistics and Diameter Gateway statistics, including statistics for Diameter Gateway connections, latency buckets, maximum number of latencies, and message latency. |
-E | Event Loader statistics. |
-F | Signaling Network statistics per signaling link. |
-G | The Charging Server statistics. |
-H | Call back call start statistics. |
-I | Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) call back statistics. |
-J | TCAP protocol messages sent and received statistics. |
-K | Task Manager statistics for managing Schedule database and Alert database tasks. |
-l | LDAP Gateway statistics for the number of successful LDAP requests and responses. |
-L | CAMEL Gateway charging session statistics. |
-M | CAP 3 SMS charging statistics. |
-N | SNMP notification processing statistics. |
-O | TSAN (Temporary Subscriber Access Number) statistics for the CAP1 reorigination service. |
-P | Memory pool statistics for each database. |
-Q | Queue statistics for the Charging Server, Transaction Server , Diameter Gateway , and MDC Gateway |
-r | Reprint the statistics every specified number of seconds. |
-R | Transaction replay statistics. This option is available on both the ACTIVE and STANDBY clusters, but the statistics are only meaningful when run on the ACTIVE cluster. |
-S | MATRIXX service statistics, including the service process ID, number of errors, memory usage, and CPU usage. |
-T | Transaction replay statistics for synchronizing the standby clusters with those in the active cluster, synchronizing the active cluster with a standby cluster on start-up, for example, after an upgrade, and transaction processing statistics for parallel commit collisions and business-level data collisions. The replay statistics displayed when starting up an active cluster are removed after checkpoint and transaction log file replay completes. The replay statistics displayed when starting up a redundant standby cluster are removed after the peer cluster is stopped. |
-U | USSD statistics for MAP-USSD Notify call out requests. |
-V | Voice charging statistics, including charging statistics such as the number of valid and invalid IDPs, call statistics such as the number of free calls, and announcement statistics such as the number of announcements completed. |
-W | MDC Gateway statistics, including statistics for MDC Gateway connections, latency buckets, maximum number of latencies, and message latency. |
-X | USSD incoming service statistics. |
-Y | System-level information, including the logical server ID, monitoring interval, number of processing errors, average response time to the network, and amount of configured memory that is in use. |
-Z | Disk usage statistics. |
-v | If specified with a value of 0, omits the RPM version from the statistics displayed. The RPM version is displayed for all statistics by default. |
-d | Debug flag. |