Topology Operator TLS Configuration

To enable transport-layer security (TLS) encryption in Topology Operator-based deployments, first set up the certificates, then make configuration changes in your Helm values file.


  1. Obtain the PEM certificate and key.
  2. Create a Kubernetes secret to store the certificate and key used by TRA-PROC and TRA-PUB with the following command:
    kubectl create secret tls tls-cert-key --cert=/path/to/cert/file --key=/path/to/key/file
    Note: The secret must be created in all namespaces for a domain, sub-domain, or engine depending on which one is used.
  3. Edit the Helm values file where you specify topology to enable TLS. The following example specifies a secret named tls-cert-key in a sub-domain 6 of a Topology Operator deployment:
      - id: 1
        - id: 6
            name: tls-cert-key
  4. Apply the configuration changes with the helm upgrade command.


The engines are reconfigured once tlsSecret is defined in the Helm values file and applied with helm upgrade.