Sub-Domains and CAMEL Gateway

Each CAMEL Gateway is aware only of Network Enablers (NEs) in the same sub-domain. This means that CAMEL Gateways can connect only with NEs in the same sub-domain.

CAMEL Gateway Pod Names

Each CAMEL Gateway runs inside its own Kubernetes pod (one pod per CAMEL Gateway).

CAMEL Gateway pods are named cgw-<subdomain>-<cgw_id> where:
  • <subdomain> is the sub-domain ID.
  • <cgw_id> is the global ID allocated to this CAMEL Gateway.
For example:
  • cgw-s1-0 is the CAMEL Gateway pod with ID=0 in sub-domain 1.
  • cgw-s2-1 is the CAMEL Gateway pod with ID=1 in sub-domain 2.