Time Zone Configuration

Time Zone Configuration Properties describes the configuration properties that can be used to change the time zone of MATRIXX pods from the UTC default, in case the time zone must be different from the underlying cluster.

Table 1. Time Zone Configuration Properties
Property Description
global.timezone.name The name of the Linux-based time zone for all pods to use. The default value is UTC.
global.timezone.useHostPath When set to true, the /etc/localtime symbolic link is set up as a mount to the /usr/share/zoneinfo directory on the node. The default value is false.

The global.timezone.name property ensures the TZ environment variable is set on all running pods. This is typically enough to ensure that any processes running within that pod pick up the required time zone. MATRIXX Engine and Traffic Routing Agent (TRA) pods also require the /etc/localtime symbolic link to be set.