Custom Data Values
Any custom data that is enabled for the ussd_query or menu notification types in My MATRIXX is included in the Apache FreeMarker template (FTL) file generated for the notification.
Subscriber Data
Subscriber Parameters lists the custom data that is available to the FTL files when subscriber data is enabled for the ussd_query or menu notification type.Parameter Name | Type | Description |
billingCycle | Billing Cycle | Billing cycle information. For details, see Billing Cycle Data. |
currentStatusTransitionTime | Date | The time when the subscriber transitioned to the current status. |
externalId | String | The External ID of the subscriber. |
glCenter | String | The line of business. |
nextBillingCycle | Billing Cycle | Information about the next billing cycle. Set only if there is a billing cycle pending. For details about billing cycle data, see Billing Cycle Data. |
nextStatusTransitiontimeEstimate | Date | The estimated time when the subscriber transitions to the next status. |
status | Integer | The status of the subscriber, as defined by the subscriber status life cycle. |
statusDescription | String | The status description of the subscriber, as defined by the subscriber status life cycle. |
taxCertificate | String | The tax certificate number. |
taxLocation | String | The locale under whose jurisdiction tax status is defined. Conceptually this is an ISO country code string, but this is not enforced. |
taxStatus | Long | The tax status. |
timeZone | String | The time zone of the subscriber. |
Billing Cycle Data
Billing Cycle Parameters lists the billing cycle data that is available when subscriber data is enabled.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
billingCycleId | Big Integer | The ID of the billing cycle template. |
billing IntervalId | Long | The interval ID for the billing cycle period. |
currentPeriodDuration | Long | The duration of the current period in days. |
currentPeriodEndTime | Date | The end date of the current billing period. |
currentPeriodOffset | Long | Count of the number of complete days into the current period. |
currentPeriodStartTime | Date | The start date of the current billing period. |
dateOffset | long | If datePolicy is set to 3, then this is the offset within the period that billing occurs on. |
datePolicy | Long | The policy that specifies the date within the billing cycle on which billing occurs:
period | Long | The billing period:
periodInterval | Long | The number of periods in the billing cycle. |
Balance Data
(Subscriber and Group)Subscriber and Group Balance Parameters lists the custom data that is
available to the FTL files when balance data is enabled for the ussd_query or menu notification type.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
aggregateResourceId | Long | The ResourceId of the balance in the AggregateGroupId that this balance aggregates into. |
amount | BigDecimal | The current committed value of the balance. For periodic balances, this is the committed value in the period slot at the time of the request. |
availableAmount | BigDecimal | The amount that is available to use based on the current active balance value, the balance credit limit, and for aggregated balances, the credit limit of any parents. If rollover is allowed for this balance, the sum of all the valid rollover balances from earlier periods is included in this field. |
category | Long | The balance categorization:
classId | Long | The class ID of the balance as defined in My MATRIXX. |
className | String | The class name of the balance as defined in My MATRIXX. |
creditLimit | BigDecimal | The current credit limit value on the balance. |
deviceExternalId | String | The external ID of the device associated with this balance. |
endTime | Date | The date until when the balance amount is valid. If not present, the balance is valid until the end of time. For periodic balances, this is the end validity of the period slot selected, based on the time of the request. |
isAggregate | Boolean | Set to true if the balance is an aggregate balance. Otherwise, set to false. |
isPeriodic | Boolean | Set to true if the balance is a periodic balance. Otherwise, set to false. |
isPrepaid | Boolean | Set to true if the balance is a prepaid amount balance. Otherwise, set to false. |
isVirtual | Boolean | Set to true if the balance is a virtual balance. Otherwise, set to false. |
name | String | The name of the balance as defined in My MATRIXX. |
quantityUnit | String | The quantity unit of the balance. One of none , seconds , minutes , hours ,
days , weeks , bytes , kilobytes , megabytes , gigabytes , or
unknown . Currency balance values indicate none . |
reservedAmount | BigDecimal | The extra quantity reserved by the current activity. For periodic balances, this is the reserved value in the period slot at the time of the request. |
resourceId | Long | The resource ID. |
startTime | Date | The date when the balance amount becomes valid. If not present, then the balance is valid from the start of time. For periodic balances, this is the start of the validity period slot selected based on the time of the request. |
templateId | BigInteger | The balance template ID. |
thresholdLimit | BigDecimal | The current threshold limit value on the balance. |
Note: The following variables are only available if Detailed Information is configured in My MATRIXX.
cycleGrantAmount | BigDecimal | The total amount granted to this balance by the last execution of all recurring offers that grant to it. |
isCycleHolding | Boolean | If set to true, then this balance is a cycle holding balance. |
isMainBalance | Boolean | If set to true, then this balance is designated as the main balance. |
lastBillingCycleAmount | BigDecimal | The balance amount of the previous billing cycle. Set only for the postpaid main balance. |
simpleBalanceGrantCreditFloorAdjust | String | For prepaid simple balance grant time, defines how to adjust the credit floor. Defaults to the grant amount plus balance amount. Valid values are:
thresholdList | List of Thresholds | List of credit limits and thresholds associated with this balance. For details, see Threshold Data. |
Threshold Data
Threshold Parameters lists the threshold data that is available
when balance data is enabled.
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
amount | BigDecimal | The amount of this threshold. |
groupNotificationPreference | String | The group notification preference: Use Group Setting, Notify Admins, or Notify Members. |
isCreditLimit | Boolean | Set to true if the threshold is the credit limit. Otherwise, it is a soft threshold. |
isCustom | Boolean | Set to true if the threshold is a custom threshold. Otherwise, the threshold is defined in the balance template. |
isPct | Boolean | Set to true if the threshold is a percentage. Otherwise, the threshold is an absolute value. |
isRecurring | Boolean | Set to true if the threshold is recurring. |
name | String | The name of the balance as defined in My MATRIXX. |
notificationState | Boolean | Set to true if notifications are enabled on this threshold. |
recurringStart | BigDecimal | If isRecurring is set to true, determines the starting point from which thresholds are generated. |
recurringStop | BigDecimal | If isRecurring is set to true, determines the point beyond which thresholds are not generated. |
thresholdId | BigInteger | The threshold ID. |
type | String | Description of the threshold properties. |
Purchased Offer Data
(Subscriber, Group, and Devices)
Subscriber, Group, and Devices Purchased Offer Parameters lists the custom data that is available to
the FTL files when purchased offer data is enabled for the ussd_query or menu notification type:
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
cancelEndTime | Date | The date when the offer cancelation period ends. |
cancelTime | Date | The date when the offer was canceled. |
catalogItemExternalId | String | If the offer is associated with a catalog item, then this is the external ID of the catalog item in the pricing database. (Does not apply to purchased offers which are part of a bundle.) |
catalogItemId | BigInteger | If the offer is associated with a catalog item, then this is the catalog item ID in the pricing database. (Does not apply to purchased offers which are part of a bundle.) |
cycleHoldingBalanceResourceId | Long | If present, the unique identifier for the purchased item cycle holding balance. |
endTime | Date | The date when the offer is no longer valid. If not present, then the offer is valid until the end of time. |
offerType | Long | The purchased offer type:
parentResourceId | Long | If the purchased offer was purchased as part of a bundle, then this is the resource ID of the bundle. Otherwise, set to zero (null). |
primaryBalanceResourceId | Long | The resource ID of the primary balance. |
productOfferExternalId | String | The external ID of the product offer in the pricing database. |
productOfferId | BigInteger | The ID of the product offer in the pricing database. |
productOfferVersion | Long | The version of this product offer. |
purchaseTime | Date | The date when the offer was purchased. |
resourceId | Long | The unique identifier, within the subscriber/group, for this offer. |
startTime | Date | The date when the offer becomes valid. If not present, then the offer is valid from the beginning of time. |
status | Integer | The offer status: