Example freeFormatData Definition for CAP

Calls using the CAMEL Application Part (CAP) protocol use a customer-defined freeFormatData parameter in FurnishChargingInformation (FCI) operations. You define the freeFormatData parameter in the asn1_dictionary_base_xml_sed.extra file.

The CAP protocol specification provides the following definition for the FCI parameters:
CAMEL-FCIBillingChargingCharacteristics {PARAMETERS-BOUND : bound} ::= CHOICE{
 fCIBCCCAMELsequence1    [0] SEQUENCE {
   freeFormatData        [0] OCTET STRING (SIZE(
     bound.&minFCIBillingChargingDataLength .. bound.&maxFCIBillingChargingDataLength)),
   partyToCharge         [1] SendingSideID DEFAULT sendingSideID: leg1,
   appendFreeFormatData  [2] AppendFreeFormatData DEFAULT overwrite,

The freeFormatData parameter is an ASN.1 encoded parameter. The contents of the freeFormatData parameter are not defined and must be set by the customer and then added to the ASN.1 library. To add a customer defined freeFormatData parameter to the ASN.1 library, specify a definition for it in the asn1_dictionary_base_xml_sed.extra file.

lastAcrTimeInDecis Parameter

This example shows the freeFormatData definition in the asn1_dictionary_base_xml_sed.extra file for a parameter named "lastAcrTimeInDecis". The customer wants to map the lastAcrTimeInDecis parameter to the LastAcrTimeInDecis field in the custom MATRIXX Data Container (MDC) named "MyFreeFormatData".

The lastAcrTimeInDecis parameter has the following format:
    lastAcrTimeInDecis [0] INTEGER(0..864000)
To support the lastAcrTimeInDecis freeFormatData parameter and map it to the LastAcrTimeInDecis field in the custom MDC, you would add the following definition in the asn1_dictionary_base_xml_sed.extra file:
/<dictionary dictionary_name="base_cap" base_on_dictionary_name="base_inap">/ a\
        <mdc name="MyFCIData" asn1_name="MATRIXXFCIFreeFormatData" asn1_type="SEQUENCE"> \
            <mdc_field field_name="LastAcrTimeInDecis" asn1_parameter_name="lastAcrTimeInDecis" asn1_type="INTEGER" optional="false"> \
                <tag class="context" p_or_c="primitive" number="0"\/> \
            <\/mdc_field> \
s/<mdc_field field_name="FreeFormatData" asn1_parameter_name="freeFormatData" asn1_type="ANY" encode="false" decode="false">/<mdc_field field_name="FreeFormatData" asn1_parameter_name="freeFormatData" asn1_type="ANY" encode="true" decode="true" default_mdc_name_for_any="MyFreeFormatData">/g
Note: During engine configuration, you must add the freeFormatData field to the FCI custom MDC (in this case, LastAcrTimeInDecis in the MyFreeFormatData MDC), and configure selective updates on the CAMEL Gateway SCCP output interface to populate the FCI freeFormatData parameter in the required TCAP messages.

For help defining the freeFormatData parameter in the ASN.1 library, contact MATRIXX Support. For information about FCI configuration, see the discussion about how to configure CCF to send FurnishChargingInformation.

For information about configuring selective updates, see the discussion about selective updates in MATRIXX Integration. For an example configuration, see the discussion about example selective update configuration for FCI.