Balance Rollover Profile Properties

Balance Rollover Profile Properties lists the balance rollover profile properties.

Table 1. Balance Rollover Profile Properties
Property Description
Name A unique name for the rollover profile.
Description A short description of the purpose of the rollover profile.
External ID (Optional) Use this field to identify this item in MATRIXX pricing items. An External ID is saved to the pricing configuration file and loaded into the Pricing Database. Set the External ID value to any alphanumeric character that is meaningful to your implementation. An External ID can be used, for example, to relate offers in the MATRIXX system to products in an external pricing plan. It can be used, for example, by the Subscriber Management API to query and purchase product offers and bundle IDs.
Start Date The date on which the balance rollover profile becomes valid in the pricing database and can be used during rating. The start date enables you to create multiple revisions of the same object at one time, each of which becomes active at a future date, so you do not need to roll out additional pricing plans for each change in your rating structure.
Balance The balance ID for which the balance rollover applies. The balance ID specified on the rollover profile must match the balance ID specified in the rollover component.
Rollover Percentage The maximum percentage of the unused balance to roll over the first time.

The rollover percent (if specified) must be greater than zero and less than or equal to 100. If the unused balance is rolled over for additional periods, the whole remaining amount is rolled over. For example, if the maximum percentage is 50% and that causes a rollover of 100 megabytes the first period, if that 100 megabytes still exists after the first rollover period and rollover is allowed for at least two periods, the full 100 megabytes is rolled over for the second rollover period (not 50% of 100 megabytes).

Maximum Rollover Amount The maximum rollover amount.

This is the maximum amount to be rolled over in the initial period. The value must be greater than or equal to zero. If a maximum percentage and a maximum amount are specified, the lesser of the two values is used to determine the rollover amount. Using the example above, if the maximum rollover amount is 50 megabytes, only 50 megabytes is rolled over in the first rollover period, not the 100 megabytes determined by the rollover percentage.

Number of Periods to Rollover The number of periods the balance can be rolled over.

The number of rollover periods must be less than the number of expired intervals in the sliding window for the periodic balance. To roll over balances at the end of a billing cycle, the period type of the periodic balance should be set to billing cycle.

Maximum Total Rollover Amount The maximum total amount that can be rolled over from all periods.

This is the maximum combined amount of all rollovers. The value must be greater than or equal to zero.