Ingress Properties

Kubernetes Ingress is an API object used to manage external access to services running within a Kubernetes cluster. It acts as a traffic manager, allowing inbound connections to reach services based on defined rules.

Ingress Properties describes the Ingress properties:

Table 1. Ingress Properties
Name Description
ingress.enabled Set this to true to enable Ingress in the application's Helm chart. The default value is false.
ingress.hosts A map of the hosts to be served by the Ingress object.
ingress.hosts[].host A specific host to be served.
ingress.hosts[].paths The path parameters for the Ingress object.
ingress.additionalLabels More labels for Ingress.
ingress.annotations Annotations for Ingress.
ingress.tls The TLS block for Ingress.
ingress.ingressClassName The name of the Ingress class.
path A map of the paths to be served by the Ingress object.
pathType Determines the interpretation of the path matching. The default value is ImplementationSpecific.
serviceName The referenced service.
servicePort The port number for the service.
This is an example of an Ingress properties configuration:
    enabled: false
    # Name of the ingress class
    ingressClassName: ''
    # Map of host addresses to be exposed by this Ingress
          # Path ID
            path: /
            serviceName: chf-standalone
            pathType: ImplementationSpecific
            servicePort: 80