Upgrade Overview

Upgrading MATRIXX Digital Commerce has several stages.

Note: If you are upgrading only the service provider schema, see the discussion about upgrading the service provider schema.
  1. Upgrade My MATRIXX.
  2. Uninstall the MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps, other than My MATRIXX.
  3. Install the new versions of the MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps.
  4. Pin the gateways and Web apps with the pre-upgrade versions of MATRIXX Digital Commerce and your service provider schema.
  5. Copy the upgraded mdc_config_custom.xml on the proxy server in /opt/mtx/conf.
  6. Start MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps.
  7. Upgrade MATRIXX Engines.
  8. Upgrade the TRA-RT-(SI/DR) pair.
  9. Un-pin schema versions for the MATRIXX Gateways and Web Apps.