Web App Logging

When a user successfully logs into My MATRIXX or MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool, logs include the session ID associated with the user. This information can be used for security tracking and to track operations performed by individual users.

As My MATRIXX and MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool run, log activities are sent to the log file specified in the log4j2.xml file for the specific web app. For example, the log file location for MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool is specified with the fileName attribute of the RollingFile element as follows, where ${basePath} is /var/log/mtx.
       <Console name='stdout' target='SYSTEM_OUT'>
        <RollingFile fileName='${basePath}/matrixxbct.log' filePattern='${basePath}/matrixxbct-%i.log.gz' createOnDemand="true" name='RollingFile'>
                <SizeBasedTriggeringPolicy size='20 MB' />
            <DefaultRolloverStrategy max='10' />
For information about configuring logging, see the discussion about dynamically configuring runtime logging. For more information about MATRIXX log files, see the discussion about MATRIXX log files.

For information about web app security, see the specific discussions about configuring and customizing My MATRIXX security, and configuring MATRIXX Backoffice Customer Tool authentication in MATRIXX Web App Administration.

For information about configuring RS Gateway and security for MATRIXX gateways and web apps, see MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade and MATRIXX Security.