Mapping Error Codes to HTTP Result Codes
You can map MATRIXX Error codes to HTTP result codes in RS Gateway properties files.
You can map MATRIXX error codes to specific HTTP result codes. Specify the mapping in the properties files loaded by RS Gateway (rsgateway.yaml or rsgateway-extension.yaml).
RS Gateway
looks for properties with the prefix MtxResultToHttpResult.
and removes
the prefix. If the remaining property name is "default" then the value of this property
represents the HTTP result code that is returned if no other properties are found;
otherwise, the remaining property name is assumed to be a MATRIXX error code and the
value is the HTTP result code that is returned.
value mapping is used when no other properties are
default: 500
0: 500
-1: 500
11: 500
19: 500
10: 500
21: 500
40: 500
41: 500
-2: 500
25: 500
default: 200
0: 200
-1: 400
11: 404
19: 409
10: 422
21: 422
40: 422
41: 422
-2: 500
25: 500
- 200 = HttpStatus.OK
- 400 = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST
- 404 = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND
- 409 = HttpStatus.CONFLICT
entries in the properties file completely
removes the default mapping. If there are no MtxResultToHttpResult
entries in the properties file then the default mapping is used. You cannot map a single
MATRIXX error code to different HTTP result codes based on the URL or SERVICE called.