Adding a Charge Description to a Request

The description field in Pay Now requests includes an operation code and provides traceability and facilitates debugging. The description is sent to the Payment Gateway Provider with other payment information and is included in the Braintree transaction detail receipt.

The operation description can include an optional reason when the <reason> field is populated in the request. The operation description is included in the MtxPaymentAuthorizationEvent EDR and MtxPaymentRefundEvent EDR in the PaymentGatewayOpDescription field. It is also included in the Description field in a payment history response (MtxResponsePaymentHistory).
Note: SubMan payment and recharge requests do not support the <reason> field, but the mtxdescription does include the operation description without the optional reason. Also, Braintree payment refund transaction details do not include the mtxdescription field.

You must configure the custom field mtxdescription in the Braintree Payment Gateway Provider. Failure to create the custom field before a Pay Now authorization request results in an error. For information about creating a custom field in Braintree, see the Braintree documentation about creating a custom field in the control panel.

For information about the description and operation codes, see the discussion about payment gateway operations.