Automatic Balance Expiry Recharge

Use the subscriber or group balance expiry recharge APIs to recharge a simple, prepaid currency balance instance at a configured time before a balance expires.

The recharge data includes the resource ID of the simple prepaid currency balance instance that triggers the automatic recharge, the duration before the balance expiration to trigger the automatic recharge, the recharge amount to the prepaid main balance, an optional payment method, and an optional notification profile that determines when to generate notifications about upcoming balance expiration automatic recharges. When the duration before the balance expiration is reached, the Charging Server generates a recharge request to the Payment Service to recharge the prepaid main balance. The subscription or group status life cycle must be configured to allow automatic recharge.
Note: If you do not specify the payment method, the default payment method for system-initiated charges is used. If the default system-initiated payment method is not defined, the default payment method is used.

For example, you can configure automatic recharge to recharge a prepaid main balance by an amount of $50 two days before the prepaid main balance expires and to trigger a recharge notification three days before the automatic recharge.

When a recharge operation is successful, an MtxRechargeEvent Event Detail Record (EDR) and an MtxPaymentAuthorizationEvent EDR are generated and linked (or a MtxRechargeRequestEvent EDR is generated if the Request-Only Gateway is configured). If notifications are enabled, a MtxRechargeNotification notification is generated. If the recharge operation fails and notifications are enabled, an MtxRechargeFailureNotification notification is generated. Information about the balance expiration recharge definition is included in the recharge EDR and notification.

The notification profile must contain relative_before entries only. The notification types are subscriber_balance_expiry_recharge or group_balance_expiry_recharge. The notification contains the recharge time, recharge amount, payment method, and balance expiry information.

For more information about notification profiles, see the discussion about notification profiles in My MATRIXX Help. For more information about prepaid balance recharge and SubMan APIs, see the discussion about prepaid balance recharge in MATRIXX Pricing and Rating.