Dynamically Configure Runtime Debug/Trace Logging
You can change the default debug or trace level on any server during runtime without changing the system configuration. This process enables debugging and trace messages to be written to the system log. Messages can be written for the entire server or a specific task running in any MATRIXX process. You specify the default logging level for a server at start-up using the create_config.info file by using the question: What log level do you want to use?. By default MATRIXX Engine logs information at the informational log level.
Before you begin
These instructions change the debugging level for a single server.
In a terminal, run the following
command to set a new trace or debug logging level so that the messages are
recorded for a MATRIXX process:
set_trace.py mtx_service log_level
See the discussion about set_trace.py for the syntax and parameters for this script.
To set the debug level, run the
following command and specify the process (mtx_service) and a
process task (task_name), debug flag, and trace flag:
set_trace.py mtx_service task_name,debug_flag,trace_flag
For information about the syntax and parameters, see the discussion about set_trace.py.