Configure TRA Log Rotation
Use the logrotate utility to rotate Traffic Routing Agent (TRA) MATRIXX Engine mtx_debug.log log file. The rotation compresses the current log file for archiving and removes it. The log volume and current date are used to determine if the log files must be rotated.
About this task
You can configure the log rotation operation to occur
daily, weekly, monthly, or when the file grows too large. By default, MATRIXX Engine checks and rotates the mtx_debug.log file on a daily basis at
midnight or when the file size reaches 500MB and archives seven logs before rotating
them. In other words, when the mtx_debug.log
file reaches the trigger
point, it is saved to a debug.log1 file, and all later messages are
written to the mtx_debug.log file. When the trigger point occurs
again, debug.log1 is saved to debug.log2 and
mtx_debug.log is saved to debug.log1. With
each new log file created, each existing log is saved as the next oldest log until
log6 is saved to log7. Because the rotate is
set to 7, the contents of the most recent log7 file are deleted and
not saved to a log8.
The messages generated by each MATRIXX process are consolidated into one log file and saved on the pod where the service is running. You can configure the logrotate utility to copy the log files generated for each pod to a central location.
In the case of TRA-PROC servers that are collocated on MATRIXX Engine, this task assumes you are making changes to an engine that is online and in production. In such cases, you must perform this procedure on an engine running in standby mode. If you are making changes to an offline engine, you need not perform any steps after running the script, except to run the script again on the other engines. If you are making changes to a single engine, you need not perform any steps after running the script.
For more information about the MATRIXX environment variables, see the discussion about installation directories, navigation shortcuts, and environment variables in MATRIXX Installation and Upgrade.
- Open the ${MTX_DATA_DIR}/logrotate_mtx.conf file.
Change all references to this directory:
to the TRA equivalent:/var/log/mtx
- Change any other required configuration parameters. For information about the logrotate_mtx.conf parameters and example settings, see the discussion about logrotate_mtx.conf file.
- Save and close the file.
Enter the following
command to copy the
logrotate_mtx.conf file to the
/etc/logrotate.d/mtx directory:
sudo cp ${MTX_DATA_DIR}/logrotate_mtx.conf/etc/logrotate.d/tra
- If you are making these changes on to TRA-PROC servers collocated on a MATRIXX Engine chain, repeat these steps on all engines to keep the configurations the same.