TLS Configuration

TLS Configuration Properties describes the Transport Layer Security (TLS) configuration properties for External Diameter Gateway.

Table 1. TLS Configuration Properties
Property Type Default Description
gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.enable Boolean False If true, the Diameter connection is established with TLS.
gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.selfSignedCert Boolean False If false, the TLS connection is established with the key and certificate files from the gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.certFile and gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.keyFile parameters.
gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.certFile String /opt/mtx/conf/keystore/diameter/tls.crt If the following property is false, this is the path to the certificate file: gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.selfSignedCert.
gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.keyFile String /opt/mtx/conf/keystore/diameter/tls.key If the following property is false, this is the path to the key file: gateway.configuration.diameter.tls.selfSignedCert.
gateway.configuration.engine.tls.enable Boolean False If true, then the engine connection is established with TLS.
gateway.configuration.engine.tls.insecureSkipVerify Boolean False If false, the TLS connection is validated with the certificate file from the gateway.configuration.engine.tls.caFile parameter.
gateway.configuration.engine.tls.caFile String /opt/mtx/conf/keystore/engine/ca.crt If the following property is false, this is the path to the certificate file: gateway.configuration.engine.tls.insecureSkipVerify.
gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.enable Boolean False If true, the engine callback connection is established with TLS.
gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.selfSignedCert Boolean False If false, the TLS connection is established with the key and certificate files from the gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.certFile and gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.keyFile parameters.
gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.certFile String /opt/mtx/conf/keystore/engine/tls.crt If the following property is false, this is the path to the certificate file: gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.selfSignedCert.
gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.keyFile String /opt/mtx/conf/keystore/engine/tls.key If the following property is false, this is the path to the key file: gateway.configuration.engine.callback.tls.selfSignedCert.
global.tls.secretName.engine String diameter-gateway-engine-tls The Kubernetes Secret name for the engine connection.
global.tls.secretName.diameter String diameter-gateway-tls The Kubernetes Secret name for the Diameter connection.
For External Diameter Gateway connections with TLS, you must create a Kubernetes Secret to load certificate and key files into the pod. External Diameter Gateway looks up the secret name and, by default, mounts on /opt/mtx/conf/keystore For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: diameter-gateway-tls
  tls.crt: {{ .Files.Get "certs/diameter/tls.crt" | b64enc }}
  tls.key: {{ .Files.Get "certs/diameter/tls.key" | b64enc }}
For MATRIXX Engine connections with TLS, you must create a Kubernetes Secret to load certificate and key files into the pod. External Diameter Gateway looks up the secret name and, by default, mounts on /opt/mtx/conf/keystore/engine. For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: diameter-gateway-engine-tls
  ca.crt: {{ .Files.Get "certs/engine/ca.crt" | b64enc }}
  tls.crt: {{ .Files.Get "certs/engine/tls.crt" | b64enc }}
  tls.key: {{ .Files.Get "certs/engine/tls.key" | b64enc }}