Verify Event Streaming

After the Helm chart is loaded, verify that the Event Streaming Framework is pulling events.


  1. In the event streaming pod, check the /var/log/mtx/event-streamer-ag1-7f67bb8c88-lzbkv/mtx_event_streamer.log file to verify that the Event Streaming Framework is pulling events.
  2. Check the traffic in Apache Kafka or ActiveMQ:
    • To check in ActiveMQ, view the ActiveMQ web console.
    • To check in Kafka, run the script as in the following example: --bootstrap-server localhost:port --topic mytopic

      • localhost is the name of your bootstrap server, for example,
      • port is the port number, for example, 9092.
      • mytopic is the name of your Kafka topic containing your events, for example, allevents.

      For more information about the script and its options, see the Apache Kafka documentation.