Resource-Based Memory Heap Configuration

Maximum and minimum memory heap values for MATRIXX gateways and web apps can be set by providing values for the sub-chart-name.resources.limits.memory and sub-chart-name.resources.request.memory properties in a Helm values file.

The following Helm values file excerpt shows specifications of heap limits.

     #cpu: 100m
     memory: 2048Mi
     #cpu: 100m
     memory: 512Mi

A default value of 1024 is subtracted from the total sub-chart-name.resources.limits.memory value to determine the amount given to the heap.

You can change the default value by specifying a value for MTX_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_MEMORY as shown in the following example:

    value: 512Mi
If the value of MTX_CONTAINER_DEFAULT_MEMORY is greater than the value specified in sub-chart-name.resources.limits.memory, the default value for the container is used, and the heap maximum is not set.
Note: Resource-based memory heap configuration applies only to MATRIXX gateways and web apps.