VoLTE Announcement MDCs

This section describes the Voice over Long-Term Evolution (VoLTE) announcement MDCs, MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData and MtxDiamVariablePartData. The VoLTE announcement MDCs contain the data used for generating Diameter Announcement-Information AVPs.

MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData MDC

Each MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData MDC contains details of an announcement to play. MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData MDCs have the following structure:
MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData {
    unsigned int32 AnnouncementId
    MtxDiamVariablePartData VariablePartList
    unsigned int32 TimeFlag
    unsigned int32 QuotaFlag
    unsigned int32 AnnouncementOrder
    unsigned int32 PlayAlternative
    unsigned int32 PrivacyFlag
    unsigned string Language}
MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData MDC Fields describes the MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData fields.
Table 1. MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData MDC Fields
MDC Field Type Description
AnnouncementId UINT 32 The ID of the announcement on the announcement server.
VariablePartList MtxDiamVariablePartData


Optional list of up to five variables to be substituted for actual values when the announcement is played.
TimeFlag UINT 32 Not set.
QuotaFlag UINT 32 Determines whether to use granted quota during announcement setup and playback (0=do not use granted quota, 1=use granted quota).
AnnouncementOrder UINT 32 Sets the play order for the announcement when multiple announcements, with the same timing indicator, are provided in a single message.
PlayAlternative UINT 32 Indicates the call party to whom an announcement is directed, where:
  • 0=Served(A) party
  • 1=Remote(B) party
Set to 0.
PrivacyFlag UINT 32 Whether the announcement is private and should be played only to the requested party, where:
  • 0=Not private
  • 2=Private
Set to 2.
Language String

The RFC 3066 language code for the language to use when playing the announcement.

MtxDiamVariablePartData MDC

Each MtxDiamVariablePartData MDC contains details of an announcement variable. The VariablePartList field in the MtxDiamAnnouncementInfoData MDC can contain a maximum of five MtxDiamVariablePartData MDCs. The MDCs have the following structure:
MtxDiamVariablePartData {
    unsigned int32 VariablePartOrder
    unsigned int32 VariablePartType
    string VariablePartValue
Note: Each MtxDiamVariablePartData MDC contains exactly one variable value. The variable value must match the variable type, one of: Integer, Number, Time, Date, or Price.
MtxDiamVariablePartData MDC Fields describes the MtxDiamVariablePartData MDC fields.
Table 2. MtxDiamVariablePartData MDC Fields
MDC Field Type Description
VariablePartOrder UINT 32 Sets the order in which the variable is used in the announcement.
VariablePartType UINT 32 Sets the type of variable, one of:
  • 0 — Integer
  • 1 — Number
  • 2 — Time
  • 3 — Date
  • 4 — Price
VariablePartValue String Depending on the type of variable, this field can contain:
  • An integer value of up to 10 digits.
  • A number value of up to 24 digits.
  • A time value in the format:HHMM.
  • A date value in the format:YYYMMDD.
  • A currency value in the format:AAAAAABB, where AAAAAA represents the digits before an implied decimal point, and BB represents the digits after the implied decimal point.