Upgrade JAR File Extensions

Follow these steps to remove the current release from your project directory structure and upgrade to the latest release of the Business API SDK.

Before you begin

To simplify the project commands, create an alias. For example, at the command line, enter the following.
alias mip="manage_integration_project.py"
In the procedures in this example, the mip command runs the python module manage_integration_project.py.

About this task

Important: If you modified the /opt/mtx/bin/projects/project/pom.xml, the /opt/mtx/bin/projects/project/extensions/pom.xml file or the /opt/mtx/bin/projects/project/rsgwextension/pom.xml file, you must merge your changes with the latest version of the pom.xml file included in the SDK.


  1. Log into the server as a user with sudo permissions and change to user mtx.
    For example:

    ssh server_ip_address

    sudo su - mtx

  2. Create a new project.
    mip -init-mvn:<project>

    When answering the script questions, you must use the same values that you used in the original project (for example, for the groupId and version).

  3. In the existing project directory, backup the ./pom.xml, ./extensions/pom.xml, and ./rsgwextension/pom.xml files.
  4. Copy the newly generated pom.xml files to existing project.
    cp -p ../clean_bapi/extensions/pom.xml ./extensions/pom.xml
    cp -p ../clean_bapi/pom.xml ./pom.xml
    cp -p ../clean_bapi/./rsgwextension/pom.xml ./rsgwextension/pom.xml
  5. Re-merge any previous localizations (such as third-party dependencies) to one of the ./pom.xml, ./extensions/pom.xml, and ./rsgwextension/pom.xml files.
  6. Copy all source files from the new project to the existing project (to add any missing classes); TAR all Java files in the extensions and rsgatewayextension subdirectories.
  7. In the existing project directory, unpack the Java files from 6 to the rsgwextension/src/main/java directory (or the extensions/src/main/java directory).
  8. Delete the stub Java file that was created when generating the new project.
    rm ./rsgwextension/src/main/java/com/matrixx/rsgateway/configuration/DemoQuerySubscriberConfig.java
  9. Build the project.
    At the command prompt, type:
    mvn clean install
  10. Copy the rsgwextension.jar file to the /opt/mtx/ext/rsgateway directory.
  11. Enter the following command to restart RS Gateway:
    sudo systemctl restart mtx_rsgateway