General Ledger (GL) Records

A General Ledger is a record of a company's financial transactions. Once configured, MATRIXX Digital Commerce generates GL information for accounts that you specify during rating. It then captures that information in MATRIXX Event Files (MEFs) and stores it in event objects in the MATRIXX Event Repository. You then use the MATRIXX GL utilities to process the GL information and generate daily GL summary records. That GL data is then available to post to a third-party General Ledger or enterprise resource planning (ERP) system.

Your General Ledger account names and transaction types can be customized in My MATRIXX, and these global values are used for all events with actual currency charges and assets designated as liability assets in these event types:
  • First usage
  • Usage and usage refunds
  • Balance adjustments, rollovers, topups, and transfers
  • Rollover balance adjustments
  • Cancellation
  • Forfeiture
  • Period termination

In MATRIXX Digital Commerce release 5100, major changes were made to the way you configure the way GL accounts are selected, and GL records processed and posted. The new system is more flexible and streamlined, and MATRIXX recommends that you transition to the post-5100 GL configuration tools. The pre-5100 GL configuration tools all still work, but they are deprecated and will be removed in a future release. This document reflects the post-5100 method of GL configuration, processing, and posting, except where indicated.

For information about the Event Repository and Event Loader, see the discussions about the Event Repository.