Creating Extensions

You create JAR file extensions using a Maven archetype and then add those extensions to the RS Gateway as JAR files.

The archetype is a single library that defines a skeleton Java project, including all required artifacts. After completing your extension, you copy one or more JAR files to the RS Gateway server and restart the RS Gateway.
Note: You should be familiar with Maven functionality and concepts. Some tasks described here assume you have a basic knowledge of Maven. In addition, these tasks require that Maven is installed on the machine where you develop your RS Gateway extensions. For more information about Maven, see the Maven website.

Use the MATRIXX Maven archetype template to build your own custom RS Gateway extensions. The template has a base POM file (an XML descriptor file) for the Maven project and example extension code. Maven creates a local repository for all dependencies.

Most integrated development environments (IDEs) support project creation from an archetype. See the documentation for your IDE for details.