Introducing Rerating Workbench

Rerating Workbench is a web application you use to rerate a subscription or a collection of subscriptions.

Use MATRIXX Rerating Workbench to manage MATRIXX Rerating jobs, approve, reject, or duplicate jobs, and view completed jobs.

Rerating Workbench Toolbar

Use the following icons in the Rerating Workbench toolbar to perform the listed tasks:
  • My Profile — Configure your Rerating Workbench preferences.
  • Open Help Content — Access online Help.

Rerating Workbench Interfaces

Rerating Workbench has primary interfaces that in turn have sub-interfaces. For information about each interface and tips for navigating between interfaces, see the discussion about navigating Rerating Workbench interfaces.

In the Rerating Workbench interfaces:
  • Some Rerating Workbench interfaces provide list screens that show in progress and completed jobs. Each job entry in the list includes a view action. The list is in table format with column headings that can be sorted by any column heading.
  • When rerating by subscription ID, required elements are indicated in the UI. You must provide the required element before proceeding.

  • As the browser width changes, the column widths within the table adjust proportionally. Columns with longer content, such as name and description, are set as wide as possible while columns with shorter content, such as ID and type, are smaller. The size of the column changes with the size of the browser, but the proportions within the table do not.
  • When a table cell has more text than can be displayed in a single cell, ellipses indicate additional contents. You can mouse over the cell for a couple of seconds or click it to display the full content for the row.